July 27, 2023

Top Things to Do in Beijing in 1-3 Days

Dive into Authentic Beijing Life

Are you planning a whirlwind trip to Beijing and looking for a list of must-do activities that will give you a taste of the real Beijing in just 1-3 days? Look no further! Beijing, the heart of China, is a city of contrasts, blending its rich history with modern-day marvels. Here’s our handpicked selection of the top experiences to make the most of your short stay.

Day 1: Immerse Yourself in Hutong Life

1. Explore the Hutongs

Beijing’s hutongs are the ancient alleyways that crisscross the city, and they are a window into the authentic Beijing way of life. You can either wander through them with a sense of curiosity or opt for one of “Our Beijing” experiences. These guided tours take you deep into the hutongs, revealing hidden gems, sharing historical insights, and immersing you in the fascinating local culture. It’s a side of Beijing you simply can’t uncover on your own.

2. Savor Street Food

For lunch, forget about traditional restaurants and dive into the street-side stores. In Beijing, the smaller the eatery, the better the food tends to be. Look for places that specialize in just one dish – that’s a sign they do it exceptionally well. From steaming dumplings to savory crepes, Beijing’s street food scene is a culinary adventure waiting to happen.

3. Canal Swim & Local Cheers

In the afternoon, break away from the usual tourist spots and experience something truly local. Take a swim in one of Beijing’s ancient canals or serene lakes. Join locals for a beer in the hutongs, and don’t forget to say “ni hao” to everyone you meet. A friendly smile can go a long way, and it’s a simple yet powerful way to connect with the locals.

Day 2: Unforgettable Adventures

4. Hiking the Unrestored Great Wall

Escape the tourist crowds and embark on a unique adventure by hiking the unrestored sections of the Great Wall. Not only will you enjoy breathtaking views, but you’ll also get a fantastic workout for both your body and mind. It’s an experience that sets you apart from the typical tourist route and leaves you with lasting memories.

5. Olympic Park Delights

Spend your afternoon at the Olympic Park, where you can enjoy a relaxing picnic in the lush Olympic Park forest. As night falls, witness the Olympic buildings come to life with dazzling lights. Don’t miss the vibrant strip where hundreds of people gather to dance, sing, and have fun together – it’s a true reflection of Beijing’s sense of community and vibrant nightlife.

Day 3: A Cultural Extravaganza

6. Watch a Chess Game

As you explore the hutongs, you’ll often come across locals playing chess along the streets. Take a moment to observe and enjoy their strategic moves. If you’re interested in learning to play, “Our Beijing” offers workshops, both private and public, to help you master the game.

7. Evening at the Drum & Bell Towers

In the evening, make your way to the Drum and Bell Towers. This is where Beijing comes alive with dancers, football players, singers, and more. It’s a vibrant display of local culture that’s not to be missed.

8. Temple Tour

Dedicate some time to explore Beijing’s temples. The Lama Temple, with its stunning architecture, offers a glimpse into the city’s spiritual side. If you’re interested in the Forbidden City, go ahead, but consider heading up to Jingshan Park for a panoramic view of the city and the Forbidden City in the distance. The Confucius Temple and Prince Gong’s Mansion also provide unique insights into Beijing’s history.

9. Discover the 798 District

End your Beijing adventure with a visit to the 798 District. This artistic hub is a fantastic place to wander, exploring exhibitions and displays. Along the way, enjoy some local cuisine, sip coffee, and perhaps savor a rooftop beer at Jing-A Brewery.

Your 1-3 day journey through Beijing promises a blend of history, culture, and authentic experiences. Follow this itinerary to dive into the heart of Beijing, and let the city’s hidden gems and vibrant culture leave a lasting impression on you. Don’t forget to capture the moments and embrace the local way of life for a truly unforgettable visit to Beijing!

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